Book Development and Style

Refine your writing style and avoid common writing mistakes to produce a professional-level manuscript

As an author, you are expected to present publishers with a polished, professional-level manuscript every time. Your manuscript has to not only fulfil industry-standard technical criteria – such as word count and formatting – but also demonstrate originality and express your unique voice and style as a writer.

This means ensuring your book manuscript is free from grammatical errors, plot holes, character inconsistencies and detail omissions. It means avoiding predictability from beginning to end and making every word count. It means using cliches, slang and other literary devices effectively, not excessively, to establish your personal style.

In publishing, this process is called book development. It’s complex, it’s challenging, and it’s just as important as writing the draft manuscript. But in this book development and editing package, we’ll guide you through every step.

If you want to understand the common writing mistakes to avoid and learn how successful authors develop their books with style and originality, this package is for you.

What you’ll learn in Package 4:

Book development and style

The Book Development and Style package is part four in our Module 1 Bundle – the first instalment of our Ultimate Blueprint for Successful Publishing course. It’s designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to develop and edit your manuscript into an original unforgettable book.

Package 4 focuses on common writing mistakes to avid and a range of editing techniques and style guidelines that help authors maximise the impact of their story.

Sessions in this package

  • Common Writing Mistakes To Avoid

    Learn to avoid the preventable mistakes other writers make that frustrate readers to ensure your manuscript meets publisher standards.

  • Effective Use Of Cliches And Slang

    How to use cliches and slang effectively to convey meaning and express your unique voice as a writer.

  • Avoiding Predictability

    How to increase tension, suspense and drama in your book without recycling overused and predictable events.

  • How To Begin A Book And Write A Good Ending

    Learn what captivates readers at the beginning of a book and how to write a good ending that’s memorable for your readers.

  • Trimming The Fat – Avoiding Unnecessary Words

    How to rid your manuscript of unnecessary words that detract from its power.

About Insider Expert online writing courses

Our user-friendly online creative writing courses are designed to be your go-to resources for all things writing and publishing. They can be watched from anywhere at any time, so you can learn and write whenever and wherever it suits.

Each package contains a collection of stand-alone lessons honing in on a specific skill, concept or technique, and you can take them in any order you like. Keep track of what you’ve learned or skip to the lessons you want the most in your personalised dashboard, and easily find any lesson you’ve missed.

Your Course Checklist

Every Insider Expert course offers:

  • Video training designed to increase your knowledge retention

  • Easy to use templates that will let you focus on what's really important

  • Creative handouts that you will want to refer to again and again

What other people say about us


Anthia Aimee

I wish they taught this in schools or Uni. Loved it and will use it.

Set yourself up for success

Master book development and editing to avoid common writing mistakes and establish your unique style and voice.